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Drych March 16, 1905
Pittsburg[h], Pa., March 2.-Exactly on the holiday, St. David's Day was celebrated with a brilliant and successful concert at Monongahela House. It was the best celebration to be held under the sponsorship of the Cambrian Society. There were about one hundred and fifty present with a good representation and about ten per table. It was about 9 o'clock when the proeession formed to go into the banquet room where the music of Griffrths' Orchestra greeted the officials with old Welsh tunes. After the Rev. Thomas Parry, D. D. said the opening blessing everyone was seated to ea! and it took an hour and a half to finish that task. Blue Point [oystercf, MorgrwslTurtle [?!] and Leek Soup, Potatoes au Gratin, Apples Barabon, Olives, Pickles, Salted Almonds, Grenadine of Mutton, Green Peas, Cambrian Punch, Stuffed Turkey, Cranberry Sauc.e, Fried Sweet Potatoes, Farmhouse Caerphili [cheese], Ice Cream, Assorted Fancy Cake, Coffee, [unclear], Crackers and Cheese.
The second palt of the feast began with D. P. James, President of the Cambrian Society, calling the crowd to order. Miss Alice Stephens and Mrs. Elizabeth Stephens Cross sang a duet, "Two Pearls of Love." A. J. Edwards, Esq. was called on to give a toas! and he did so with wit and elegance, referring to the reason the Welsh must keep green the memory of St. David. The enchanting soprano, Miss Hattie Jones, sang o'Merch y Melinydd" in English [The Miller's Daughter], followed by a lecture in English on "The Elements of Welsh Character" by the Rev. U. Sherman Davies, Ph.D. of Dayton, Ohio. He is the son of L. J. Davies of Youngstown, Ohio. Although he was bom within two hundred yards of where the banquet was being hel4 this was his first public appeaxance in the city. He is an eloquent and audible speaker and gave a wonderful speech, and it was easy to see, from the satisfied smiles in the audience, that he was playing the mosttender strings in the Welsh heart. He is glad to be a Welshman and glad that his nation celebrates annually in memory of one of the best men who every trod fair Wales. He referred to many heroes of Welsh children who have been prominent in different periods in the history of our adopted county. He led us leisurely to the elements that are obvious in the Welsh character-athachment to religion, spirit of adventure and research, love for freedom in country and religion, loyalty, thrift and perseverance. It was the best lecture on St. David that we have had.
Edward Vaughan sang "Mentra Gwen" in a masterly way, and Miss Alice Stephens sang "Angus McDonald." oY Der5m Put''was sung by the well-known Welshwoman, Annie Vaughan. The Rev. Thomas Parry, D. D. of Wilkinsburg presented a few observations. Mrs. Elizabeth Cross performed "sing to me Old Cambria's Music" followed by a poetic address by J. Maesyddog Francis. David J. George sang "Y Bachgen Dewr" very acceptably, and we closed by singing *Hen Wlad fyNhadau," led by Edward Vaughan. The singing was excellenl in truth, every selection was praiseworthy, as was evident in the warm applause. We had adopted a rule that there would be no encores because of the length of the program, or it would have been dawn before the end. The organizing committee was Thomas E. Jones, D. P. James, D. J. Evans, T. N. Williams, Thomas H. Jones, S. A. George, D. Rowlands and Thomas W. Roberts. They did their work well.
Translated by Martha A. Davies Lincoln, Nebraska March 2009

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