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9 Jul 1908
Renewal in industry. Bankers hopefirl about future. More Welsh children attend Oakland schools than any others in the city. Semester ended. Awards ceremony, names mentioned: Celia Shapiro, Edward --", Mollie Friedman, Russell Morgan, Esther Conrad, T. Lane Watson. Speeches by Isaac E. Hirsch, James W. Burnett, Chas Eberle, William Hughes, John A. Hollinger. Teacher, Miss Anna Doherty. Congregational church will worship in Lutheran church on Arlington Ave. until the new church is ready. Preaching in Welsh in the morning, Sunday School in the afternoon, English service in the evening. Some Pittsburgh Welsh are investing in the Cymric Gold Mining Association. Griffith Edwards of the City Deposit Ban, East End, is ill. Miss Elizabeth Lewis, daughter of Mrs. T. B. Lewis of Margaretta St., East End is recovering from an illness. George Jones, brofter of J. R. Jones of East En{ has been ill is about
to go to the Old Country for his health. Summer holidays with hot weather. Dr. L. E. Davies, W. J. Jones and his son Rothwell, W. J. Davies and other friends are going to some Canadian lakes to spend a forhight. Last week l\{rs. Margaret Edwards Hall of Glenwood returned from her visit to the Old
County to spend a month in South Wales where she was bom. Joseph lrwis, one of the well-known Welsh of Homestead, has retumed home safety from the Old County He took advantage of the slowdown in business to visit her relations in the land of his birth, and he Seatly erlioyed the trip and the privilege of renewing old friendships with friends of long ago. Mrs. Farrand, wife of the Rev. F. R. Farrand of El Reno, Oklahoma is visiting her tibe in this city, namely Joseph D. Jones, her father as well as her brothers, W. J. and J. Harry Jones. When she went home atthe end of the sufirmer, she was accompanied by Caroline, the daughter of W. J. Jones, who intends to spend a year with her aunt in the youngest state
in the Union. Amongst those who are paying a visit to the seaside is \Yilliam Gwyer of the May Drug Co, who is the chairman of the entertainment committee of the St David's Society. He will be spending his honeymoon in Atlantic City. A baby daughter was born on Thursday into the family of David O. Jones, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Jones of Miller St. Morgan Jones and his wife from Altoon, Pq formerly of Oaklan{ are in our city this week to spe,nd the fourth with their friends and to spend the Sabbath in their old church in Oakland. Picnic season. \trekh Sunday schools holding picnic on Friday, July 17 at Rock Point Park. On Saturday, July 25 there will be a gathering of the St. David's Socicty at Kennywood Park, and a large crowd is expected. A successful social was held in Oakland church on Thursday night by the Endeavor Society. Names mentioned: Rev. J. R. Thomas, M.A.; William Hughes, Deacon. Children's Sunday was held last Sunday at Oakland church.

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