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Note: Handwritten date on newspaper is "8 Jan 1931"; typed date on translation is "January 15. 1931" For title and search purposes, we are using the translation date.
January 15, 1931 [page l, continued on page 8] SPARKS FROM PITTSBURGH
Annual Meeting of the Carmel Church Sunday school was excellent-:The Prograrr-Death of Hugh L. Owens-Other Persons and Things.
By Deiniol Arfon.
Pittsburgh, Pa.-Tuesday nigh! December 23, the members of the Sunday school of Carmel church held their annual meeting. It was good to ses so much enthusiasm, not only amongst the children but also the old and middle aged showed expressions of delight. The large room had been decorated very nicely. ln the corner of the platform there was alarge Chrisfrnas tree which had been decorated with pretty toys and electric lamps of various colors. The scene was quite satisfuing to the eye. The meeting was called to order by the superintendant !V. R. Hughes, and a prayer \vas given by the Rev. W. H. \JYilliams. Mrs. W- R. Hughes was called upon to take charge of the interesting program that had been arranged.
The first to take part were the classes of the small children who did their part quite acceptably. It was surprising to hear to those small ones recite and sing because some of them could barely tailq still they learned their parts so well, and they were as effective as if they were ten or twelve years old. Seeing and hearing them showed the work and care of the teachers who had been teaching them during the last weeks.
Several appropriate songs were sung between the recitations; the boys and girls perforrred masterfully. The recitations were good and interesting. A drama by a young girl was presented, and they did their part excellent$. Another class of girls sang and proved themselves charming singers with Carolyn Williams, from the sarne class, accornpanying.
The last part of the entertaining program featured the Welsh class on the stage. The Welsh class is made up of men and women and numbers about 19, but because the Christmas season is so busy, some may not be present. They took part by singing Welsh hymns that are fairly unfamiliar in our city during these last years. We should be allowed to say that there were well-knowu singers among the class on stage, and they received the approval of the crowd. The teacher was accompanying because the official accompanist was absent.
The last thing was the arrival of Santa Claus to gift the Sunday school members with candies, etc. John Williams, the church secreta4r, can impersonate Santa so well that some believed that it was oldNick himself. Several of the classes of elderly people gave gifu to Santa Claus so he could give them to the teachers. After everyone had their part, the crowd left happy and satisfied.
Death of llugh L. Oryens.
We are sad to note the death of Hugh L. Owens .... [Martha will recopy this page (8) and will translate it in tulll
on Second Avenue. He cared for Carmel Church for several years, and it can be said that he was never bettered because he was so careful that everyone was warm and that the seats were clean and the hymnals
were put back tidily. He was a useful member of the Board of Trustees for a long while, and he took an exceptional int€rest in the Sunday school, especially in the class where he often took part in debate on the point under discussion. He was a kind Welshman, and it was a pleasure for him to do a kindness, especially if a carpenter was needed to fit a door orto put some nails in a fence, etc.
Leftto mourn him are his wife, two sons and three daugfuters, also two brothers, Owen Owens, Ea* End, and \Milliam Owe,ns, fuuirrel Hill, East End.
The above notes show that the Welsh circle is decreasing quickly and as the bard sang o'Before long some old friend will say, that I myself have gone."
We are sorry to announce that Jean Davies, dear little daughter of Mr. and lvlrs. Herbert T. Davies, Mufflin Street, Wilkensburg; Pa. musthave an ope,mtion in Columbus.
I am sorryto announce that Jean Davies, dear little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Davies, Mufflin Street, Wilkensburg, Pa. will have surgery in the ... [after page 8 is recopied, Marttra will ranslate the rest.l
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