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Dec 1893
Sheet Mills will cut wages by 10 percent [I'll translate this bit for you.] The Vilson Bill. Cambrian Glee Society held two concerts-quartet=Mrs. Crouch McCaus Miss dith Harris, Mr. D.J. Daniels and Mr. Ed. Der mitt. Six choirs to sing at the Christmas isteddfod: Irondale, McKeesport, Homestead and three of the best of the city, namely South ide, Soho and the city choir. Mrs. Ann Lewis of Salina, Kas visiting with her daughter. Mrs. arah Price of Greenfield Ave is dangerously ill and visited by daughter and her neice Mrs. Wm. reese and her daughter. She is the sister of Morgan Evans of Second Ave and John Evans of bensburg. Smallpox has broken out in the Homeopathic Hospital on Second Ave. Last Sunday e Rev. John Hammond and the Rev. D. Jewett Davies of Johnstown exchanged pulpits.

Y Drych November Decmber 7, 1893
[see Abstracts — Batch #2 for contents of entire article. A translation of the first paragraph is provided below.]
As predicted last week, the owners of the Sheet Mills and the workers came to an understanding in regard to salary; the workers agreed to accept a ten percent cut in their wages. The price of puddling from here on will be $4.75 a ton, the lowest price in this area for many years. In the face of that, as well as the fact that there is much idleness exists already amidst the men [word unclear], because not all the mills are running regularly, and no one works full time, there is no reasonable hope for the present winter.
Translated by Martha Davies, Lincoln, NE December 2007

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