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Digital copy of a black and white photograph showing an exterior view of Sardis Baptist Chapel, Houghton, taken by Robert Scourfield, 1996.
Sardis Baptist Chapel was built in 1822 and rebuilt in 1897, to the design of architect David Edward Thomas of Haverfordwest. The present chapel, dated 1897, is stone-built in the Simple Gothic style, with a slate-roof and gable-entry plan. The chapel has lean-to porches flanking a centred gabled projection, round-arched openings, the 2-light openings with round-arched heads to lights. The Interior has a single centre staircase from the gallery branching to the sides below and the chapel ceiling has painted-plaster sloping sides and a flat, wooden-boarded centre portion. The seating is arranged as a paired block of centre seats and single side blocks.

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