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Section of OS 1st edition map (1889) showing the church of St Cwyfan and its setting.
St Cwyfans is a medieval parish church set on the tiny islet of Cribinau and restricted to its churchyard and surrounded by a dramatic high stone wall. It is reached by a causeway founded on large stone blocks. Popular for weddings, the church is only open in the summer months, but only accessible at low tide.
The islet, composed of clay with boulders, was reached by a causeway founded on large stone blocks, depicted on the OS County series 1st edition (Anglesey XXI.6 1889) and on an engraving of 1846. This also shows the condition of the islet prior to the construction of the revetment. The 1889 mapping shows a wall running around the summit of the islet slopes, but this had gone by the time of the 2nd edition in 1900. The present wall is shown on the 3rd edition of 1922.

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