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Gravestone to the memory of William Thompson , a native of Cardross, Dumbartonshire and former engineer of Hobart, Tasmania, who died in the wreck of the Royal Charter.
The church is associated with the wreck of the ROYAL CHARTER in October 1859. The bodies of the victims of the shipwreck were brought up the hill from the village to the Church which became the mortuary. The Rector of Llaneugrad and Llanallgo at the timewas the Reverend Stephen Roose Hughes. Dickens records that he wrote 1075 letters in response to those who wrote to him inquiring after relatives and friends.
There is an obelisk in the graveyard at Llanallgo which was raised by public subscription to commemorate the tragedy. This memorial was sited over the mass grave of 140 unidentified victims, but was moved in the early 1900s. Reverend Stephen Roose Hughes is also buried within the graveyard and the inscription on his gravestone refers to `His noble and disinterested exertions on the memorable occasion of the terrible Wreck of the 'Royal Charter' are well known throughout the World'.

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