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Transcription of newspaper advertisement for an auction of items salvaged from the wreck of the Charles Holmes. 

On October 25th 1859, a hurricane gale swept along the British coast. A cargo ship, the CHARLES HOLMES, was travelling from Liverpool with a cargo of coal, iron, tools, clothing, crockery and meat. At Aberbach, on the south west coast of Wales in the county of Pembrokeshire, contemporary accounts suggest that the vessel lost its masts, was capsized by massive waves and wrecked on the rocks. There were no survivors amongst the crew..

Even after the initial events surrounding the wreck, such as the burial of the crew, interest in the wreck continued. The physical remains of the CHARLES HOLMES continued to play a part in local interest. The Pembrokeshire Herald and General Advertiser reported in December 1859 the arrival of a person from Falmouth in Aberbach to inspect the spot where the vessel was lost with the purpose of placing divers. The Pembrokeshire Herald continues the report in May 1860, writing that a party of divers have successfully raised parts of the wreck, including 50 tons of iron, mostly rods.

Items salvaged from the wreck were eventually put up for sale by auction on the Aberbach beach. A small advert placed on 14 September 1860, noted that Levi Jones, a well-known local auctioneer, would oversee the sale. The full list of items was to be printed in a hand bill.

According to the advert, the auctioneer would offer for sale a variety of articles, including a complete set of china, breakfast tea and coffee services, dinner sets and a variety of hardware, such as boxes of carpenters tools, brass and iron chains and rigging.

Is there a story of a shipwreck associated with the Victorian china handed down through the family? We would love to hear from anyone who might have a copy of the handlist from the auction. 

Source: Pembrokeshire Herald, 14 Sept 1860, pg4, Welsh Newspapers Online

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