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Professor Moira Vincentelli and Josie Walter discuss the history and use of a piece of pottery during the the "Hot Pot" ceramics event, which was held in Aberystwyth on the 18th of March 2015. It invited peoples to bring their favourite cooking dish (and recipes!) along to a special event as part of the Hot Pot Project. Josie Walter, potter and author of Pots in the Kitchen talked about her work as a domestic potter and study of cooking pots. The event was in conjunction with the People's Collection of Wales where everyone was invited to bring along a favourite cooking dish to record for history and for future generations.

Between January and June 2015 the Ceramic Gallery will be the focus of an evolving exhibition of ceramics from the Ann Carr Collection, a major donation of Michael Cardew and Wenford Bridge pottery. The displays will be used to instigate pottery and cooking activities including installation, storytelling, creative writing and community events for adults and children.

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