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EBENSBURG, May 25.—Plans for the reunion of the members and friends of the old Salem Calvinistic Methodist church Sunday, June 5, are rapidly nearing completion and all details will be announced in a few days. The program committee is composed of Marshall Rowland, Adi­son Owens, Mrs. Price Davis and William R. Rowland.
A feature of the reunion will be the music, which will be In charge of Robert Owens, who will be as­sisted by an orchestra from Johns­town. The musical program will consist of good old-fashioned congregational singing in English and
Welsh of choruses and solo numbers. There also will be sermons at 'both morning and afternoon services.
Former Pastor Coming.--
The Rev. Williams.,
Wilkes-Barre, pastor of the Salem1 church 20 years ago, will preach the morning service, but the speaker for the afternoon has not yet been se­lected. Among those who are ex­pected to be here is the Rev. R. J. Roberts of Marion Center. Invita­tions also have been extended to the Rev. John R. Thomas, also a former pastor Of the Salem church -but at present pastor of the Ebensburg Congregational church, and pastors of the neighboring churches where, former members of the Salem con‑congregation worship at the present
time: The members
Ebensburg CongregatiOnal church. are especially urged to be present to renew old acquaintances.
There will be many visitors from Johnstown and other places and these people have been requested to bring a basket lunch. The commit-lee will provide coffee. Thomas Jose of Johnstown is chairman of the transportation committee and has ar­ranged to have a number of automo­biles transport people from that sec-lion of the county. Those who pro- pose to attend the reunion are re­quested to notify Mr. Jose on tele­phone No. 554-B,. Johnstown. The automobiles will leave Johnstown be­tween 7:30 and S o'clock the morn­ing of June 5.
Volunteer for Work.
A number of Ebensburg men have volunteered to put the church and grounds in good condition and will meet for that purpose next Satur­day afternoon. It is announced that other volunteers will be welcome. Those who have signified their in­tention to assist in this work are William R. Rowland, John L. Evans, P. L. Owen:, Robert Gittings, Robert -Edwards, John Hughes, Richard Jones. H. E. Patterson, R. D. Jones. Edward Cameron, Edward Bowers and Emmett Davis.

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