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Lanurvyl 1254, Lanneruel 1271, Lamerwill 1283, Thlanarvuell 1286, Lanurvyl c.1291, Lanurvil 1278, 1286, Lanhurvyl 1291, Lanurevel 1310, Llannurvel 1322, Llanurvyll 1406, Llanorvill 1545, Ll.vrfvl ynghaer Einion c. 1562, llanyrvell 1597, Ll.vrful 16g., Llanervill 1667

Welsh llan and personal name Eurfyl which Ellis says developed into Erfyl, Urfyl although spellings with -erfyl are very late. The Saint may be a female saint Urfyl (vrvyl) recorded in 1488 , reputedly a daughter of the well-known st Padarn; Gweful is very unlikely in view of available spellings. There is a well dedicated to her (Ffynnon Erfyl) north-west of the church and an early Christian stone (of a distinct person) in the churchyard has been associated with her.

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