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Sabrinam 115-7, Sabrinā 150, 6g. (11g.), c.730, 1215, (rhydau) Sabrine,(Strages) Sabrinæ 632 (c.1000), Habren c.800 (11g.), Hauren c.1170, 1420, Haueren 1202, (Ar hỹt Guy) hahafrenn 12g., Hafren 12g. (13g.), blaen hafren 1447-89, Dyffrin hawren canol 13g., Sæferne 896, Sæferne 757-75, Sauerna 1086, Sauerna 1086, Seuerne 1205, Seauerne 1584, Hafren or Severn 1836, Servern id est aqua Haveren id est Sephern 1479 British Sabrinaā has produced both Modern Welsh Hafren and English Severn but its meaning is disputed. Some have suggested hafr or hyfr (billy goat), but Ifor Williams believed that these words were borrowed more recently from the Middle English 'hæfer'. Whatever its meaning, Sabrina was thought to be divine, perhaps a goddess

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