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Grave in memory of Thomas Lloyd in area B at St John's church, Ysbyty Cynfyn (B62). See plan for area B for the grave's location in the graveyard.

Inscription B62: HERE/ lie the earthly Remains of/ THOMAS LLOYD/ late of Bwadrain/ in this Parifh (Gentile/ who departed this life for the/ Acquisition of an Eternal. Inheritence on the 17th Day of/ January 1803./ Aged 77 years./ My flefh fhall slumber in the Ground./ Till the last Trumpet's joyfull sound./ Then burst the chains with sweet surprize/ To meet my Saviour in the skyes.

Description: The first L is lloyd is larger than the rest. There seems to be some mistke with the date it is either the 17th or 19th. semi circle arch carved above the word HERE. Geometric fans in the four corners.

This grave was photographed as part of a Graveyard Survey carried out with the help of volunteers in 2013.

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