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Dyddiad / Date : 1329
Disgrifiad / Description : NLW Penrice and Margam Deeds 206; Seal 1: Within an ornate cusped trefoil, a shield of arms (ten roundels) flanked by two armorial lozenges (three chevrons) Seal 2: Within ornate architectural-style interlacing with a central circle a shield of arms (per pale: dexter three chevrons; sinister ?roundles), in a cirle above a lozenge (three lions passant guardant), in a circle to the lower right a lozenge (quarterly ?blank and fretty, over all a bend (Despencer))
Rhif ffeil delwedd / Image file no. : sea01050

Rhagor o wybodaeth am brosiect Seliau yng Nghymru'r Oesoedd Canol

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