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This is the former Isolation Hospital at Tanybwlch. My grandfather is in the front window, My grandparents were patients here during 1903/04.My grandmother was pregnant at the time and gave birth to a girl - Margaret Helena Griffith (Lil) Morgan on 23rd April 1904 after leaving the isolation hospital. Both my grandparents Thomas Morgan 1866-1942 and Margaret 1866-1945 contracted smallpox from a visitor staying in Aberystwyth.
Later this hospital was converted to a dwelling and in 1938 Mrs Linett and her two daughters, Bertha and Connie lived here.
The cottage was washed away 15th January 1938 and they were rescued by their screams being heard by an engine driver and fireman of a passing train.By coincidence the fireman Tom Millichip had by then become the husband of the above mentioned Lil (the smallpox baby) There is an account of this incident in the Cambrian News Storm edition Saturday January 15th 1938 Photos of the cottage after the storm can be viewed in my account.

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