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Images taken from a book written by a Bosherston schoolteacher, Mrs Evans, around 1930:
“To enter this quaint little building, it is necessary to descend a long flight of steps, which, so says tradition, cannot be accurately counted by mortal being. The Chapel is very simply constructed having a nave 27’long.
In the east may be seen a stone altar; in the southern wall a priscina above which is a deep aperture resembling one to be found in St Mary’s Church, Pembroke. A low arch in the eastern wall to the north of the altar leads into a small cell formed in the rock. This is supposed to have been one of out Lord’s places of refuge. It is also popularly believed that St Govan sought shelter here when he was forced to hide from the fierce pirates who landed here. The rock to the left of the altar would open, and inside, in a hollow just big enough to enclose him, the saint would remain till the danger was over.
The marks of a man’s ribs are to be seen impressed on the rock. It is said that if a person enters this cell, turns around nine times and wishes, his request will be granted. Would that wishes could be realised so easily!
Under the north side is to be found a well, the water from which can only be procured in a limpet shell, drop by drop. Many visit the place to obtain some to cure bad eyes.
Outside the Chapel, a few yards nearer the sea, is a rudely constructed well, the water and clay from which are supposed to cure bad legs.
A rock, which has recently been destroyed by vandalism, but which can still be distinguished from its neighbours, was once the resting place of the Chapel Bell, and received is virtue. Even to day it gives forth a very sweet sound if struck by a stone and is therefore termed “The Bell Rock”.

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