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Some of the crew with local residents after their badly damaged Sunderland came ashore at Praa Sands, Cornwall. They had survived an air battle with eight German Ju 88's in the Bay of Biscay, 2 June 1943. Three of the German aircraft were shot down along with one 'probable' and one 'possible'. One crew member was killed and two wounded.
Pictured - back L - R: P/O J.C. Amiss, Mrs. Gaskell, Sgt A. Lane, F/O K.M. Simpson DFC, P/O W.J. Dowling DSO, Sgt L.S. Walson. Front L - R: Mr. A. Gaskell (owner of Sea Meads Estate), Mrs. Billingsley (sister of Mr. Gaskell), Virginia Sinclair (nee Billingsley, married a Bomber Pilot KIA, then married his best friend), Sgt Eric A. Fuller DFM, 'Baby' Judith Gaskell Sinclair, daughter of Virginia.

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