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Witness depositions

to drink there He called for 3 4 glasses of Rum one for himself and one for us three. We each of us drank our rum and water. There was more ordered by the man Victory another round was ordered in - by him. we conversed together this man commenced it - it consisted of the Chartist business he asked me some questions - he told us to hold out in the manly cause as they was holding out - he was talking of the Chartists and by that means we would have half a crown a day. He asked us if things came to a point if we would fire on them we said we should do our duty d uty like Soldiers. I said he asked me if the people turned out if the Soldiers would fire upon them - we said we should do our dutys like Soldiers the Soldiers with me nor I we paid for the rum and water we did not order it and I don't know who paid for it we staid about 10 minutes we parted at the Door and came home to the Barracks I have not seen him since till this moment Edward Dalton

X [In the margin bottom left]

Taken before W Brewer James Coles Octavius Morgan [Written vertically across the text]

2 [page number bottom centre]

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