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Witness depositions - testimony about William Victory

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the Pris. r was not quite drunk

William Chambers John Clarke Sworn states I am a private in the 45th Reg t . of foot. I have been so about 13 months - we are now Stat d . in Newport - we were here on the 10 th of last month - I was making towards the Bridge about 5 or 6 in the ev[enin]g of that day & met a person near the Kings Head - the pris. r Victory is the person - he spoke first to us - me and 2 of my brother Soldiers Edwr d Dalton and W m Chambers . he asked us if we would go and have a glass of rum each. he welcomed us to the Town it was a day or two after we came to Town - we agreed to go - he took us to a sort of a dram shop on the same side of the S t. the Kings Head- this side of the Kings Head a 4 Glasses of rum was ordered in the dram shop a Glass each - the Pris. r Victory gave the order - a woman brought it in. I have heard her name since it is Ann Davis we drank the rum and water a further order was Given of a Glass each - Victory

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