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Witness Statement: Richard Rorke continuing the account of his actions
he said I be damned if I know where we are going he looked as if he was tipsy, I ran along - until some one a lusty with a lusty - Stout voice in front of the Westgate Door cried out halt. I then went ran on fast to try if I could see - who was leading them, I tried if I could see Mr Frost - when I see I saw them begin to break the windows I ran across the Street towards Mr Evans' House & if Mr Evans had not shut the Door I should have gone into his House - When I could not get into Mr Evans , I ran here and there to the men in the mob and said here is the Cavally Cavalry - Coming if you don't get away- you will be cut to pieces- I ventured my life among- them to tell them - I did not
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