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Thanks to Paul-Neath for his help with the following:

The Cardiff Times 2nd July 1910 discusses the imminent setting up of seven Rescue Stations and possibly eight in the south Wales area.

It states that the first had already been built and in use for some time with over 100 men already trained up in rescue methods. This was at Aberaman and was for the Aberdare Valley collieries. It goes on to say that a second station was being built at Crumlin for the Monmouthshire district and was hoping to be up and running within a month or so.

Each of the seven stations was estimated to cost between £2,000 and £2,500 to construct with necessary equipment costing a further £500 to £1,000 pounds. To maintain each station would cost between £700 to £1,000 pounds extra to maintain annually.

The coal owners in the several different areas of the Welsh coalfield would pay the initial outlay of £15,000 and would pay for equipping and maintaining the stations and no levy upon the workmen was anticipated in the future.

Each colliery would send 'squads' of five men each at a time, to be trained up at these rescue stations.

The Royal Commission on Mines had previously voiced that it was to be voluntary efforts by different owners to set up these rescue stations but was impressed by the 'practical sympathy' and construction of these centres by the south Wales owners.

The next year the 1911 Coal Mines act made the set up of Rescue Stations compulsory.

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