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Cardiff Police.

HIT A POLICEMAN! Jabez thought he was laughing at his big feet.

On Wednesday evening the 8th of January 1896 Jabez Prunell, aged 34, a well-known Cardiff character, got himself into trouble in Cowbridge Road, by striking Police Constable Evans while in the execution of his duty, for which offence was brought before the Magistrates on Thursday (9th). "Have you got anything to say," asked the Clerk.
"Yes, yer honour." Purnell replied, "Yer know when I were a little boy 'tween six and seven years old I hurt my head by falling off a bridge. Ever since I have had fits, and when I have fits I have a very hasty temper. There is something the matter with me feet. They are big, and the boys call me 'duck feet.' They ask me how much I paid for me boots, an tell me I ough ter obtain a licence for wearing out the Corporation paving stones. (Laughter.) They were worrying me on Wednesday, and when I saw the policeman laughing I thought as he was laughing at me, and being of a very hasty temper I hit him."
Inspector Durston said that what Purnell said about his being annoyed by children was correct. He had not been before the court since 1893, when he was charged wit assault but not on the police, The Bench (Mr. H. R. Williams and Councillor F. J. Beavan) said that prisoner had not excused himself for the assault. On account of his infirmity, however, 'They would deal leniently with him'. He would be fined 20 shillings and costs, or, in default, 21 days.
Purnell upon hearing the sentence looked with a pitifully surprised expression on his face at the magistrates, and still keeping his eyes on the bench.......slowly descended the steps to the cells below!!!

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