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Interview with Marge Evans re. her work in Sobells - Rhigos, Welsh Trust - Rhigos, Murphys?

Marjorie left school at 14 (1947) and started in Sobell’s. She started making one coil at a time and progressed to making 10 on the Westminster machine – dangerous because it was big and speedy. Whole TV sets including cabinets made there. When she went there they were making wirelesses and gramophones not TVs. Used Murphy factory’s nearby to make Sobell’s give them better bonuses. Until they got married she and her husband gave their pay to their mothers. She had an accident and no sick pay or compensation. Factories had a bad name, but she ‘loved it’. Men and women workers worked on line. Smell of wax, huge place with bays. She was asked to go to Welsh Trust to train workers on the big machines. The machines were ‘part of us.’ Though dangerous they didn’t like wearing turbans. Union – GMBU. She was a foreman for a while but then went back on machine. Dancing at weekends. Xmas dance in canteen. She stayed in Sobell’s for 12 years and worked in Welsh Trust for 5 years. She left when she had her son. In WT a smaller factory, winding coils for wirelesses and deaf aids. Couldn’t afford a TV when in Sobell's. Time and motion – she worked at a normal speed.

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