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Diary of 48959 William Glyn Jones, RAMC, 52 Gen Hospital, Salonika Aug-Sept 1918
Jones seems more upbeat about news on the war front in France
9 Aug 'Hear reports of big advance in France..'
11 Aug 'encouraging news today. Will it hasten the end?'
1 Sept 'Good news from France every day now'
Jones seems more favourable towards the concert party than in earlier entries
4 Sept Concert by 'Very Light'...splendid singing, make-up fine,acting natural. Very humorous, clean performance. No vulgarity or suggestions...'
But on 7 Sept he is again disappointed in the men's boorish behaviour; ;It seems these Messes are merely drinking dens...'
Reference is made to the terrible Spanish flu pandemic which ravaged Europe during the autumn of 1918 and was worsenend by war time conditions.
September 8th 'cases of suspected Spanish flu. 9 men admitted. Ward isolated.'

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