
The annual report of Cardiff Cyrenians, 1977-78. The report contains a review of 1978, which includes a report on the long stay house, support form the Supplementary Benefits Commission, Housing (Homeless Persons) Act 1977, resettlement, and reorganisation; an evaluation of their work; comment from the National Cyrenians; an appendix, which contains the history and philosophy of the movement, the new structure, committee membership and thank-you's. Cover.

Cardiff Cyrenians was a registered charity that aimed to provide hostel and day centre facilities for people with nowhere else to go. The charity was founded in 1972 and it was one of 27 groups affiliated to the National Cyrenians (cf. Cardiff Cyrenians – Annual Report 1977-78, page 9, paragraph 1). The organisation had also operated eight resettlement houses for people moving on from its hostel. It ceased operating in 1988 due to financial difficulties. Many of its functions had been taken over by Cardiff Action for the Single Homeless (CASH), which changed its name to the Huggard Charitable Trust in 2007.

Their official Cardiff Cyrenians charity statement says their objectives were "The relief of poverty, sickness and old age in particular (but without in any way limiting the generality of the foregoing words) for the relief of poverty of persons who by reason of mental or physical infirmity are unable to fulfil their duties as citizens or their obligations to their employers".


Every effort has been made in regards to searching and attempting to find the appropriate copyright holders for these objects. However, we do not have a further paper trail for these objects. If anyone has more information or is not happy with the interviews being public, a take-down policy is in place.


The Chronicle Project is a community heritage project supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund and run by VCS Cymru with the aims to document the history of volunteering in Cardiff, from 1914 to 2014.

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