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Under a 'Keep Cardiff Tidy' logo, this South Wales Echo article describes a litter pick by volunteers living in temporary accommodation and from Rainbow of Hope which "reaches out to poor, homeless and disadvantaged people in Cardiff".

The article is accompanied by a photograph by Paul Rose with the caption: "CLEANING UP Some of the volunteers who have been helping the Keep Cardiff Tidy campaign".


Homeless join in city war on litter louts - Author/Byline: Peter Bibby Community Affairs Editor

HOMELESS people living on the streets of Cardiff have joined our campaign to clean up the city.

Up to 10 members of the so-called street community took part in a litter pick as part of the Keep Cardiff Tidy Campaign.

They were joined by people living in the city's hostels and other temporary accommodation, together with volunteers from the Rainbow of Hope charity.

Founded by Elizabeth Perret-Atkins nine years ago, Rainbow of Hope reaches out to poor, homeless and disadvantaged people in Cardiff.

Every night, the charity organises a `Paradise Run' in which volunteers from 33 churches in Cardiff provide food and hot drinks and the chance to chat to the vulnerable people in the city centre.

Volunteer Jo Steele said: "Homeless people are all too often labelled with negative connotations by society.

"This litter pick was an opportunity for many of them to be shown to be putting something positive back into the community in which they live.

"Contrary to belief, they really do care about the environment and, just as we want to keep our homes clean and tidy, so they want to keep the streets where they live litter-free too.

"After all, people who drop litter in the city centre are, in fact, defacing an area where someone could be sleeping that night."

Karin Crimmins, of Keep Wales Tidy, added: "The support the Keep Cardiff Tidy campaign is getting from all Cardiff residents is tremendous.

"It's great that the homeless are helping out in this way."

From Microform, Local Studies, Cardiff Library.
Image created by The British Library Board.
Copyright: Media Wales.

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