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An article anticipating the arrival of Father Christmas in Adamsdown, followed by a concert by the Salvation Army band and a combined school choir at City Hall.



By Space Ship To Adamsdown

Father Christmas will arrive at Cardiff tomorrow in the 20th century style ̶ by space ship.

His approach will be heralded by a brilliant glow in the sky, 1,000ft above Adamsdown. The glow will float gently to earth, and the toyland “interplanetary special” will have arrived.

After the smoke and sparks have cleared [sic], a silver space ship will be seen lying safely in a side street, with Santa himself climbing out of it.

He will then board a more traditional reindeer-drawn conveyance which will take him to the City-hall. In front will be a Welsh dragon and several puppy dragons. He is scheduled to arrive at the City Hall at 3 p.m., when a combined school choir of 500 will sing to the accompaniment of the Salvation Army band.

From Microform, Local Studies, Cardiff Library.
Image created by The British Library Board.
Copyright: Media Wales.

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