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J F Froes stated that he was surprised he had not received any corresondence lately from Thomas Benbow Phillips to inform him of how things are progressing, but he himself had been working hard to promote the emigration of Welshmen to Rio Grande. Although a lot has been done to promote emigration, there were those who were working against them. J F Froes would appreciate it if those who had arrived safely would relay the message that they found everything satisfactory, and send regular reports to Wales to confirm this, in order to ensure that more Welshmen would make the effort to emigrate. Some Englishmen and Irishmen had also emigrated to Dpedro? and one in particular had sent home a somewhat different account to what Thomas Benbow Phillips had been sending to J F Froes. A Mr Morgan had sent J F Froes a complimentary report about Thomas Benbow Phillips's conduct and thought that perhaps the Englishman's first impression of Thomas Benbow Phillips might have been prejudiced against him, but realised he could have been mistaken. J F Froes also told Thomas Benbow Phillips he had received his share of abuse from some Welshmen, especially one called Williams from Pelotas. Eleazar Jones also seeemed to be persuading people to emigrate to New York in order to obtain commission from arranging passages. J F Froes informed Thomas Benbow Phillips that a new company had been formed that would start steam journeys to Brazil twice monthly during the following year.

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