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Letter written to Thomas Benbow Phillips on board Brig “Rush” by Stuart Barnes [Importer & Comission Merchant North American Goods] at Calle Reconquista 72, Buenos Ayres, 24 March 1873

Stuart Barnes enclosed a Power of Attorney for Thomas Benbow Phillips to act on his behalf regarding the Brig “Rush”, and if the Captain should run her into the port of Montevideo, the Power of Attorney would give Thomas Benbow Phillips full power to act on his behalf. The vessel was to be consigned to John Davies, Esq, Agent for the American Lloyds, who would put a guard on board to hold the vessel until Stuart Barnes himself arrived. The Captain was not to be allowed to go on board, and there was to be no communication with him. Nothing was to be taken from her, except Thomas Benbow Phillips's own luggage, and he was to guard what little was left of Stuart Barnes's property on board.

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