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Debit and Credit Accounts by Robert Dunn, late owner of the “Beautiful Star” in account with Captain Arthur Miller, from Rio Grande, 29 December, 1873 and 15 January, 1874, and signed by Thomas Benbow Phillips

The first account was dated 29 December, 1873

Debit amounted to £463-18-11
Credit amounted to £385-9-8

Balance due to owner: £78-9-3

The second account was dated 15 January, 1874

Debit amounted to £463-19-9
Credit amounted to £512-13-5

Less advance to crew, charged in disbursement: Private a/c, Crew's a/c, Hue's a/c: £59-5-3¼

Balance in favour of owner: £10-11-6¾

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