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Letter written to Thomas Benbow Phillips by Ann Thompson at London, dated 29 January 1874

Ann Thompson thanked Thomas Benbow Phillips for his letter dated 3 November, and was happy to hear that his wife and children were all in good health. She reported that she was well and comfortable and sent her love to the family. She had received bad news at the end of December and was writing to tell them that Mr Henry had died. Mr Henry had told Ann Thompson that apparently the doctors could not analyse his complaint, and he had lost a great deal of weight. Ann Thompson hoped that Thomas Benbow Phillips's shop was doing well, but if he was not rich in gold, he was rich in children. She reported that the weather in London was very fine and mild and that she had not felt the cold so severe as she had in Rio Grande. She had enclosed a letter for Thomas Benbow Phillips to give to his mother and had sent her a few sermons addressed to Thomas Benbow Phillips. Ann Thompson requested that Thomas Benbow Phillips give her all the news in his next letter, because she was devoid of news since Mr Henry's death.

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