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Passport given to Thomas Phillips, describing his physical appearance, and allowing him to journey to Nova Cambria, from Liverpool, with his wife, Susannah.


No. 1063
John Pascoe Grenfell.
Dignitary of the Imperial order of the Cross, High Dignitary of the [order of] the Rose, Chief of the Squad of the Imperial Armada, and General Consul of the Empire of Brazil in Great Britain and Ireland

Of age – 58
Stature – 67 inches
Hair - ???
Eyebrows - ???
Eyes – dark
Nose – regular
Beard – a lot
Face – oval

I let the ones who see this Passport know that from this City travels to Rio Grande do Sul to the Welsh Colony of Nova Cambria, Thomas Phillips Welsh, taking in his company his wife Susannah Phillips and I ask to all Civil and Military Authorities of the Empirem to whoever this is presented to not prevent his journey, and instead, to be able to do it well, give him all the support he needs. In faith of that the bearer of the present Passport by me signed, and sealed with the seal of the Imperial Arms and of this General Consulate in Liverpool, at fourteenth of June of 1851.

[signature] Joao Francisco Froes
Signature of the bearer
[signature]Thomas Phillips

Registered in Book
5 of Passport


No. 1063

John Pascoe Grenfell.
Dignatario da Imperial ordem do Cruseiro, Grand Dignatario da da Roza, Chefe de
Esquadra da Armada Imperial, e Consul Geral do Imperio do Brazil na Gran Bretanha e Irlanda

De idade - 58 Annos
Estatura – 67 polegadas
Cabellos - ???
Olhos - escuros
Nariz – regular
Barba – bastante
Rosto – oval

Faco saber aos que este Passaporte Virem que desta Cidade segue viagem para o Rio Grande do Sul para a Colonia Gallesa de Nova Cambria, Thomas Phillips Galles, levando em sua companhia sua mulher Susannah Phillips e peco a todas as Authoridades Civis e Militares do Imperio, a Quem este for appresentado que nao empecao a sua viagem, e antes Para bem faze-la, lhe dem todo o auxilio de que necessitar. Em Fe do que o muni do presente Passaporte por mim assinado, e Sellado com o sello dos Imperiais Armes e deste Consulado Geral em Liverpool aos quatorze de Junho de 1851

[signature] Joao Francisco Froes
Assinatura do portador
[signature]Thomas Phillips

Registado no Livro
5 dos Passaporte

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