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Telegram from Mr. Luiz da Silva Flores to Mr. Thomaz Benbow Phillips, in which he introduces Joao Paradella, and asks for his protection in order to obtain what he intends.


Station Rio Grande 15 of June of 1873

N. 247 19 … N. of Order 406
From Mister Luiz da Silva Flores
To Mister Thomaz Benbow Philipps
Street nr
From the station of Porto Alegre
Presented at 11 hours 55 minutes in the morning
Received at 2 hours 30 minutes in the afternoon
Sent at 2 hours 35 minutes in the

The Directory of Telegraphs asks everyone who has suffered delay in the transmission or receipt of telegrams, or has any other reasons for complaining, to notify the same in order to enable it to regulate service.

I introduce you Mister Joao Paradella
I ask for him all of your protection to obtain what he intends



Estacao Rio Grande 15 de Junho de 1873

N. 247 19 … N. de Ordem 406
De Senhor Luiz da Silva Flores
A Senhor Thomaz Benbow Philipps
Rua de n
Procedente da Estacao d Porto Alegre
Apresentado as 11 horas 55 minutos da manha
Recebido as 2 horas 30 minutos da tarde
Expedido as 2 horas 35 minutos da

A Directoria dos Telegraphos roga a todas as pessoas que soffrerem demora na transmissao ou recebimento de telegrammas, ou tenhao quaesquer outros motivos de queixa, que o participem a mesma a fim de habilital-a a regularisar o servico.

Apresento-lhe o Senhor Joao Paradella
Peco para o mesmo toda a sua proteccao para obtencao ao que pretende


[signature] M. Ven.

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