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Porthcawl museum took part in Takeover Day last week when four students from St Clare's School Porthcawl joined the museum volunteers for the day.
Working with the museums recorder Elaine Newman they were guided through the process of how the museum collection is recored, prepared and stored correctly. They also experienced the role of a museum steward providing a warm welcome to all the museum visitors and maintaining accurate day to day records

Takeover Day is a celebration of children and young people’s contribution to museums, galleries and historic homes. It’s a day on which they are given meaningful roles, working alongside staff and volunteers to participate in the life of the museum

Actor Michael Sheen, Kids in Museums Patron, says,
‘Takeover Day gives hundreds of young people the chance not only to do something new and experience museums for the first time, but for their voices to be heard. It provides an opportunity for young people throughout Wales to talk about their heritage – to share concerns and imagine new futures. In challenging times, museums can act as the cement in our communities, bringing young people together to tell their stories. Put museums at the centre of our communities and young people at their heart, and we will all experience a richer, more vibrant culture which excites and enthrals everyone.’

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