
Picture: 1
Effects of fire, Bracken, Molina, Gorse, Bramble. S Rhondda Fawr

5inch high bracken, Cynon burning tip, new croziers on 17/10/84

Date: 17/10/1984

Picture: 2
Taff Fechan stream plants

Blue sow thistle, Cicerbita plumieri, Mountain Ash, August 1986
Marys species name: Cicerbita plumieri
Scientific name: Cicerbita plumieri
Common name: Hairless Blue-sow-thistle

Date: August 1986

Picture: 3

2inch bracken like Cystopteris. Cynon burning tip North of Moutain Ash, 17/10/84
Marys species name: Cystopteris
Scientific name: Cystopteris

Date: 17/10/1984

Picture: 4
Mountain Ash. Cynon Valley summit of Mynydd Merthyr woods/quarry at Newtown 1986

Birch regenerating to oakwood. Cynon Valley, below Phurnacite September 1973
Marys species name: Birch
Scientific name: Betula pendula
Common name: Silver Birch

Date: September 1973

Picture: 5
Mountain Ash. Cynon Valley summit of Mynydd Merthyr woods/quarry at Newtown 1986

Carpinus betulus. Dyffryn, Cynon tip. 17/10/84
Marys species name: Carpinus betulus
Scientific name: Carpinus betulus
Common name: Hornbeam

Date: 17/10/1984

Picture: 6
Mountain Ash. Cynon Valley summit of Mynydd Merthyr woods/quarry at Newtown 1986

Irish yew berries. Taxus baccata fastigiata. Dyffryn House, Mountain Ash October 1984
Marys species name: Taxus baccata fastigiata
Scientific name: Taxus baccata
Common name: Yew

Date: October 1984

Picture: 7
Cynon. Wood club rush woodland pools. Near Mountain Ash

Wood club-rush pool. Iris. Between railway siding and old canal under burning tip, 28/09/84
Marys species name: Wood Club-rush
Scientific name: Scirpus sylvaticus
Common name: Wood Club-rush

Date: 28/09/1984

Picture: 8
Cynon North of Mountain Ash

Great Burnet. Cynon floodplain. Below Phurnacite 1984
Marys species name: Sanguisorba officinalis
Scientific name: Sanguisorba officinalis
Common name: Great Burnet

Date: 1984

Picture: 9
Cynon burning tip - seconds

Cynon burning tip. Dead Acer, Rubus, Deschampsia, Senecio sylvaticus, October 1984
Marys species name: Senecio sylvaticus
Scientific name: Senecio sylvaticus
Common name: Heath Groundsel

Date: October 1984

Picture: 10
Cynon burning tip - seconds

Yearling foxglove. Dead sycamore, Cynon burning tip, October 1984
Marys species name: Foxglove
Scientific name: Digitalis purpurea
Common name: Foxglove

Date: October 1984

Picture: 11
Cynon burning tip - seconds

Late vipers bugloss on open part. Mountain Ash burning tip, 23/10/84 (still flowering 06/11/84)
Marys species name: Viper's bugloss
Scientific name: Hadena irregularis
Common name: Viper's Bugloss

Date: 23/10/1984

Picture: 12
Cynon. Burning tip. Bracken and mosses.

Growing tips of bracken Cynon burning tip. October 1984
Marys species name: Bracken
Scientific name: Pteridium aquilinum
Common name: Bracken

Date: October 1984

Picture: 13
Cynon. Burning tip. Bracken and mosses.

Bracken rhizomes. Crozier Cynon burning tip, 17/10/84
Marys species name: Bracken
Scientific name: Pteridium aquilinum
Common name: Bracken

Date: 17/10/1984

Picture: 14
Cynon. Burning tip. Bracken and mosses.

Pteridium. Campylopus. Mountain Ash, burning tip, 23/10/84
Marys species name: Pteridium
Scientific name: Pteridium aquilinum
Common name: Bracken

Date: 23/10/1984

Picture: 15
Cynon. Burning tip. Bracken and mosses.

Five inch high bracken and Rubus under beech. Cynon burning tip, 17/10/84
Marys species name: Beech
Scientific name: Fagus sylvatica
Common name: Beech

Date: 17/10/1984

Picture: 16
Cynon. Burning tip. Bracken and mosses.

Bracken 1-2inch high Cynon burning tip, 17/10/84
Marys species name: Bracken
Scientific name: Pteridium aquilinum
Common name: Bracken

Date: 17/10/1984

Picture: 17
Cynon burning tip, Angios

Bramble, burned trunks. Mountain Ash burning tip, 23/10/84
Marys species name: Bramble
Scientific name: Rubus fruticosus agg
Common name: Bramble

Date: 23/10/1984

Picture: 18
Cynon burning tip, Angios

Senecio sylvaticus. Abundant and huge on Mountain Ash burning tip, 23/10/84
Marys species name: Senecio sylvaticus
Scientific name: Senecio sylvaticus
Common name: Heath Groundsel

Date: 23/10/1984

Picture: 19
Cynon burning tip, Angios

Senecio sylvaticus seedlings Mountain Ash burning tip, 23/10/84
Marys species name: Senecio sylvaticus
Scientific name: Senecio sylvaticus
Common name: Heath Groundsel

Date: 23/10/1984

Picture: 20
Cynon burning tip, Angios

Echium vulgare. Grassed bits of Mountain Ash burning tip, 06/11/84
Marys species name: Echium vulgare
Scientific name: Echium vulgare
Common name: Viper's-bugloss

Date: 06/11/1984

Picture: 21
Cynon. Dyffryn Wood by burning tip. North of Mountain Ash

Sambucus nigra. Dyffryn Wood, Cynon burning tip 28/09/84
Marys species name: Sambucus nigra
Scientific name: Sambucus nigra
Common name: Elder

Date: 28/09/1984

Picture: 22
Cynon. Dyffryn Wood by burning tip. North of Mountain Ash

Sycamore burned from base, Cynon burning tip, 17/10/84
Marys species name: Sycamore
Scientific name: Acer pseudoplatanus
Common name: Sycamore

Date: 17/10/1984

Picture: 23
Cynon Valley. Newtown below Mountain Ash. Hanging oakwood with Formica rufa woodants and larch above (further down valley)

Corydalis claviculata. Newtown Mountain Ash, Cynon wood ant wood, 1985
Marys species name: Corydalis claviculata
Scientific name: Ceratocapnos claviculata
Common name: Climbing Corydalis

Date: 1985

Picture: 24
Cynon Valley. Newtown below Mountain Ash. Hanging oakwood with Formica rufa woodants and larch above (further down valley)

Viburnum opulus. Mountain Ash, Newtown, Cynon Valley 1986
Marys species name: Viburnum opulus
Scientific name: Viburnum opulus
Common name: Guelder-rose

Date: 1986

Picture: 25
Little Garth Lime discards

Carpinus betulus Dyffryn Wood above Mountain Ash. 28/9/1984
Marys species name: Carpinus betulus
Scientific name: Carpinus betulus
Common name: Hornbeam

Date: 28/09/1984

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