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Picture: 1
Cynon Valley. Newtown below Mountain Ash. Hanging oakwood with Formica rufa woodants and larch above (further down valley)

Young Japanese larch cones, Draethen
Marys species name: Japanese Larch
Scientific name: Larix kaempferi
Common name: Japanese Larch

Picture: 2
Aconitum, Nymphaea

Aquilegia vulgaris, Draethen 1976
Marys species name: Aquilegia vulgaris
Scientific name: Aquilegia vulgaris
Common name: Columbine

Date: 1976

Picture: 3
Aconitum, Nymphaea

Columbine, Draethen, 1976
Marys species name: Columbine
Scientific name: Aquilegia vulgaris
Common name: Columbine

Date: 1976

Picture: 4
Sporing liverworts

Female conocephalum conicum, Draethen, Monday 21 March 1967
Marys species name: Conocephalum conicum
Scientific name: Conocephalum conicum
Common name: Great Scented Liverwort

Date: 21/03/1967

Picture: 5
Sporing liverworts

Female conocephalum conicum, Draethen, 21 March 1967
Marys species name: Conocephalum conicum
Scientific name: Conocephalum conicum
Common name: Great Scented Liverwort

Date: 21/03/1967

Picture: 6
Oak galls: artichoke cherry, apple currant, marble, spangle, silk button

Oak boll & bracket, Draethen
Marys species name: Oak
Scientific name: Quercus
Common name: Oak

Picture: 7
Draethen. Cwm Leyshon woodland reserve

Cwm Lleyshon iron/lead mine and beech. June 1972
Marys species name: Beech
Scientific name: Fagus sylvatica
Common name: Beech

Date: June 1972

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