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Picture: 1
Flat Holm Scrubs. Fuscia

Wind trimmed elder. North Flat Holm. Barry Yacht Club launch. 25/11/1978
Marys species name: Elder
Scientific name: Sambucus nigra
Common name: Elder

Date: 25/11/1978

Picture: 2
Flat Holm, Weeds of buildings, Hound's-tongue via sandbags and great mullein. Freak burdock 1990

Dipsacus fullonum. South East Flat Holm, 22nd June 1963
Marys species name: Dispacus fullonum
Scientific name: Dipsacus fullonum
Common name: Wild Teasel

Date: 22/06/1963

Picture: 3
Flat Holm, Weeds of buildings, Hound's-tongue via sandbags and great mullein. Freak burdock 1990

Thistles, South East Flat Holm. Brean Down and Brent Knoll inland of Berrow and Burnham, once an island. Refuge for women and children. In Viking Raids photograph. 25th Novermber 1978
Marys species name: Thistle
Scientific name: Cirsium
Common name: Thistle

Date: 25/11/1978

Picture: 4

Cochlearia officinalis. Coal Bay, Flatholm, April 1980
Marys species name: Cochlearia officinalis
Scientific name: Cochlearia officinalis
Common name: Common Scurvygrass

Date: April 1980

Picture: 5
Crevice flora

Silenetum maritimae. Flatholm southeast, 1986
Marys species name: Silenetum maritimae
Scientific name: Silene uniflora
Common name: Sea Campion

Date: 1986

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