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Picture: 1
Southern coalfield. Bog. Bryn-y-Garn

Valeriana officinalis. Bryn-y-Garn, Pencoed, 1983
Marys species name: Valeriana officinalis
Scientific name: Valeriana officinalis
Common name: Common Valerian

Date: 1983

Picture: 2
Southern coalfield. Bog. Bryn-y-Garn

Oak, broom, bramble, bracken. Old hedge. Bryn y Garn, Pencoed, June 1984
Marys species name: Oak
Scientific name: Quercus
Common name: Oak

Date: June 1984

Picture: 3
Pen Rhys (St Mary well and gold course), Rhondda

Carex echinatus, Bryn y Garn, Pencoed. June 1984
Marys species name: Carex echinatus
Scientific name: Carex echinata
Common name: Star Sedge

Date: June 1984

Picture: 4
Pen Rhys (St Mary well and gold course), Rhondda

Salix aurita female from Bryn y Garn. June 1984
Marys species name: Salix aurita
Scientific name: Salix aurita
Common name: Eared Willow

Date: June 1984

Picture: 5
Pen Rhys (St Mary well and gold course), Rhondda

Polygala serpyllifolia and Succica leaves. Food plant of Marsh fritillary. Bryn y Garn. 1984
Marys species name: Polygala serpyllifolia
Scientific name: Polygala serpyllifolia
Common name: Heath Milkwort

Date: 1984

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