
The Cardiff Municipal Musical Society provided musical theatre programmes for children, older people and those with disabilities. The Society existed from 1943 to 1993. They were charged with preparing and putting on performances for the public and providing opportunities for those who love drama.

The Society had showcased a variety of performances in their time and so had printed many theatre programme booklets for their productions.

This item is a programme for 'Pink Champagne', which was performed in the New Theatre in Cardiff between 21 and 26 March 1966.

The programme includes:
- A list of the Society’s leaders, including Alderman Mrs Miriam C Bryant (Lord Mayor of Cardiff), H Ferguson Jones and Captain J N Rose;
- an advertisement for the Operatic Section's next performance of 'Show Boat';
- The photographs of the production directors, Margeurite Thomas and Peter Rocke, the two musical directors, John Murphy and Gladys Johnson, and the three cast members, John Whitman as Dr Blind, Shirley Whitman as Prince Orlovsky and Brian Bursnall as Frosch;
- A story of the play;
- A list of the Society's previous productions including 'The Mikado' in 1945, 'Rose Marie' in 1953 and 'The New Moon' in 1961;
- A list of musical numbers within the production including 'Bird of Beauty', 'I'm in Heaven' and 'Perpetuum Mobile';
- A Society's list of patrons and friend.

Glamorgan Archives, D905/3/4

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