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A Cardiff Community Concern News Sheet dated April/May 1976. The image shows the cover of the news sheet, which is identical to the cover of the previous News Sheet issued in February 1976.

The second page covers an opening party held on 28 February, building refurbishment progress, success for a campaign for a youth hostel in Cardiff, a bid for the Job Creation Programme to pay for two full-time workers in the "office" and a coffee bar that is opening in the large room at the back of 58 Charles Street. "Cardiff Community Concern and the British Pregnancy Advice Service are working together on this venture and we intend to provide a place where young people can meet, informally obtain information and advice and discuss their troubles with CCC [Cardiff Community Concern] workers."

The third page of this Cardiff Community Concern News Sheet, dated April/May 1976, includes an update from Charles Street Conservation Group, who have obtained a grant of £150 to renovate the facade of 58 Charles Street and a City Planning Department meeting to discuss the new shopping development west of Charles Street. (This became St David's Shopping Centre, which was opened to the public in January 1981.) An article discusses the work of the British Pregnancy Advice Service. There is an update on the Flat Shop Project ("...the only project in Britain which is attempting to create greater understanding for the young homeless and to directly offer assistance.") which still awaiting a funding decision.

Finally there is a plea for volunteers for Cardiff Community Concern (CCC). "CCC is an information and advice centre in Cardiff. We are open between 2pm and 8pm on a weekday and 10 to 12 noon on a Saturday. Every Thursday at 6.30pm there is a weekly meeting of those involved in CCC in which we discuss current issues and share out the work of writing letters, typing etc. Anyone who would like to help, drop in at any time or come to a Thursday meeting..."

The fourth page provides 'dates for your diary' and a verse from 'The Shiftworker's Diary' by Ernie Singer. Personal Audio Messages have donated a "bleeper" so that a Cardiff Community Concern worker can be contacted via their 24 hour switchboard. Finally, the News Sheet advises that "For the last 18 months, University College, Cardiff have sent us student social workers who are with us on placement to gain practical experience of an information and advice service. Last week we welcomed the arrival of 3 new students who will be with us for the summer term."

Cardiff Community Concern was an alternative advice and information centre for young people based at 58 Charles Street in central Cardiff.

The private collection of Ian Horsburgh

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