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A black A4 hardcover notebook containing an A-Z indexed record of membership of the Charles Street Arts Foundation. The centre of the cover has a white sticker with the following typed text: "Charles Street Art [sic] Foundation Register of Members". A white sticker in the top left corner states in capital letters "Please ensure that new members are also entered onto file cards and placed in the file box." It is not possible to show the inside of the book as it contains the names, personal addresses and contact details of members. The pages are ruled vertically and the columns labelled by year, and the subscription received each year is recorded. There are 48 individual entries, some are organisations but most are individuals.

In June 1977, Cardiff Community Concern started the Charles Street Carnival as a community groups' alternative celebration of the Queen's Silver Jubilee. This became an annual event and grew into a separate organisation, Charles Street Arts Foundation. The Foundation came to employ artists and staff but was founded and run by volunteers. Cardiff Community Concern, also founded and run by volunteers, was an alternative advice and information centre for young people, based in 58 Charles Street.

Glamorgan Archives, D20/3/1/1

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