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This letter was sent from the Acting Chief Superintendent of South Wales Constabulary to Ian Horsburgh who was Chair of the Charles Street Arts Foundation Management Committee. The police had failed to close the street for the Charles Street Carnival held on 21 July 1990.

The Acting Chief Superintendent expresses his embarrassment, and offers his sincere apologies and reassurance that this will not occur again. He states that communication is essential and the Sub-divisional Commander at ‘C’ Central Sub-division “will no doubt draw up a contingency plan”.

Ian Horsburgh describes this incident in his oral history given to the VCS Cymru Chronicle Project [].

The street had been closed each year since June 1977, when Cardiff Community Concern started the Charles Street Carnival as a community groups' alternative celebration of the Queen's Silver Jubilee. This became an annual event and grew into a separate organisation, Charles Street Arts Foundation. The Foundation came to employ artists and staff but was founded and run by volunteers. Cardiff Community Concern, also founded and run by volunteers, was an alternative advice and information centre for young people, based in 58 Charles Street.

Glamorgan Archives, D20/6

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