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Cardiff Women's Newsletter, May 1983, eleven A4 pages, 20pp, stapled (fragile). Call for more women to become involved in the collective. Notices for accommodation wanted and support for a Bristol woman's defence fund.

Notices of arts projects and publications. Events listing includes Girls Activity Day at Fitzalan High School (crèche provided by Men Against Sexism), play and disco at Grass Roots on Charles Street, Reclaim the Night March, Socialist Feminist Meeting, Women Against Violence Against Women (WAVAW) meeting, women's study group in Pitman Street Canton, Anarchist Feminism Group meeting, National Jewish Lesbian Conference in London, Socialist Feminist Meeting.

Arrangements for International Women's Day for Disarmament with meet up points at Cardiff Castle, St Johns' Church in The Hayes and St David's Hall, crèche at VCS St Mary's Street. Notice of two weeks of action against pornography starting 14 May and arrangements for RTN include keening at Smiths in Queen Street. News from Greenham Common. Article: lessons we learnt from Direct Action at the ROF (Royal Ordinance or Bomb Factory). Poems. Report of meeting to form a Socialist Feminist Grouping in Cardiff. Article: Women! Rape in Marriage - Make it a Crime! - the Tilley Bill. Response re Lesbians and the Women's Movement. Article: Healing. Article: Woman's Work?. Information on the Anti-Pornography Day of Action in Cardiff.

Glamorgan Archives, DWAW6/1

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