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Description by Evan D. Jones:

'He was not sent for any particular purpose. He came to work and he worked for Mr. Neville and others. The first meeting he attended was Mynydscerrig. They had a meeting at Dyffrynbach the night they went to Evan the Weaver's. Stephen Evans was Beca that night. At his request the deponent and Griffith the tailor went to meet the Pontyeats party whose Becca was John Philip of the Mill. They all met and dressed in a field. Stephen Evans told a few of them to go and do their work tidy. Deponent, Dai, Daniel Bowen, Jack of the 'Star', and William the Clerk to Colebrook Works, formed a party. They were all disguised. Stephen Evans used to attend their night meetings. He never wished them to leave off. The next meeting was at the Sea Side. They were paid for coming to Llanelly by William Jenkins, Farmers' Arms. Uncle to Dai of Kilverry collected the money. The letters sent from Spudders Bridge Gate were given to deponent by Tom of the Top. Deponent did not know who wrote them. John Hugh, Tycanol, Thomas Pantygynneth Farmer Stone, Jones Bryngorse and all the people about there used to attend the meetings at the 'Stag and Pheasant'. On the night of the fire at Tynywern deponent was courting at Pantrefach. Evan Treharne and John Meredith came and said deponent was a bloody sh___t unless he attended the meeting at Dyffrynbach. He went with them to Dyffrynbach where there had been a large meeting.'

Source: Evan D. Jones, 'A File of "Rebecca" Papers', The Carmarthen Antiquary: The Transactions of the Carmarthen Antiquarian Society and Field Club, Vol. I (3 & 4), 1943 & 1944, 56-7.

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