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Copy of a letter sent in reply to Dr. Henry Lawrence, Carmarthen, by William Chambers, 28 February 1844.
Description by Evan D. Jones:
'Tierney having failed to execute a warrant issued against one of the family of the tenant of Kilferry consulted the writer as to his proceedings. They went together, and the writer told the tenants to open the door, and what their business was. The writer went to the window with a lamp to shew himself to the wife, and she absolutely refused to open the door. He ordered the door to be forced, having used the greatest forbearance, charged her in the Queen's name, and told her that he had a warrant for her son. A policeman finding that the window would give way sooner than the door forced it in. The back window of the dairy was forced and entered by the person whom she supposed or rather pretended to say took £15. When the charge was made the writer offered to search the person which they said was no use as he might have handed it to some one outside. With regard to the damage done to the windows who did he expect was to pay for it? All there acted under the writer's instructions to get into the house as speedily as possible. The people had nobody to thank but themselves. He would not have given this explanation to any but a gentleman from whom he had always met the greatest courtesy in sporting and other matters concerned with that very farm.'
Source: Evan D. Jones, 'A File of "Rebecca" Papers', The Carmarthen Antiquary: The Transactions of the Carmarthen Antiquarian Society and Field Club, Vol. I (3 & 4), 1943 & 1944, 59-60.
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