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These handbook details ideas, session by session, with example clips of the ID and session plan docs all available in PDF for use with groups. Wild plants are a fundamental element of the Welsh heritage and landscape. Wales is home to the Celtic rainforest with its rich diversity of plants, these plants are central to Welsh mythology, including Blodeu, Gwydion and legends surrounding Merlin. The generations of healers known as the Physicians of Myddfai are one example of the role of wild plants in Healing in Wales. Historical Healers was developed to expand the knowledge of Welsh Woodland plants for health and Healing within our local community. It was identified that modern society was losing touch with our plant heritage and ancestral skills. We planned to explore how our ancestors used wild native plants to improve health and enhance food provisions, this was achieved during this project with great success. We were able throughout the lifetime of the project to reconnect children with plant heritage in fun hands on learning experiences, and disseminate this knowledge as a ripple effect to the wider community. With thanks for funding from Heritage Lottery Fund

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