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Mae Nia Siggins a Sophie Jenkins o Berllan Y Werin Llandudoch yn siarad am hanes y mynachod Tironeswyd yn creu seidr yn Landudoch ar afalau daethon nhw draw ir pentref yn yr 11fed ganrif.

Run by Nia Siggins and Sophie Jenkins, The People’s Orchard is a 3 year environmental enhancement project for the ward of St. Dogmaels, Pembrokeshire. The aims of The People's Orchard St Dogmaels project is to create a series of bio-diverse ecosystems throughout the area to encourage a pollinator friendly environment. An educational programme aimed at all age ranges across a broad range of skills will be run in tandem with the extensive planting programme of fruit trees and wild flower meadows.

This digital story was created for ‘The Heritage of Orchards and Cider Making in Wales’, a two year HLF funded project in partnership with The George Ewart Evans Centre For Storytelling at The University of South Wales and The Welsh Cider and Perry Society.
This story recorded with Nia Siggins and Sophie Jenkins and edited by Project Associate Catrin James on the 11th of August 2017 at St Dogmaels Abbey & visitor centre, SA43 3DX.

For more information -,

Archive reference HOCW/POSD/2

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