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Jon Bayley explains how The Heritage of Orchards and Cider Making in Wales project has benefited Down To Earth and shares what has happened in the last year. This recording was made as an outcome evaluation story for the project. Recorded outdoors at Down To Earth Project.

Jon Bayley is the lead facilitator at Down To Earth project. Down to Earth Project is an award winning social enterprise established in 2006 based at two sites at Murton and Llanrhidian, Gower. Down To Earth support people to bring about positive change in their lives through meaningful outdoor activity.

This digital story was created for ‘The Heritage of Orchards and Cider Making in Wales’, a two year HLF funded project in partnership with The George Ewart Evans Centre For Storytelling at The University of South Wales and The Welsh Cider and Perry Society.
This story recorded with Jon Bayley and edited by Project Associate Catrin James on the 5th of March 2018 at Down To Earth project, Murton, SA3 3AP.

For more information -,

Archive reference HOCW/DTE/2

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