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Title: [Welsh Costumes / Farmer’s Daughters. Farm Servant. Market Woman. Farmer’s Wife /] Sold by D. Ll. Lewis, Rhyl [/ Eng. by Newman and Co., 48 Watling St., London]
Description: Four women and a girl going to market.
(1) ‘Farmer’s daughter’ Girl with Welsh hat, shawl, short-sleeved gown, apron.
(2) ‘Farmer’s daughter’. Woman with Welsh hat, goffered cap, shawl, skirt, carrying an umbrella.
She is very similar to the ‘Farmer's daughter’ in J.C. Rowland, 'Welsh Costumes [showing Errand Girl etc.] ’1848, and R Griffith’s ‘Welsh Costumes taken on a market day in Wales’ 1850s.
(3) ‘Farm Servant’ with staved container on her head, goffered cap with broad ribbon tie, shawl, short-sleeved ?gown, skirt, shoes.
(4) ‘Market Woman’ with Welsh hat, goffered cap with broad ribbon tie; shawl, long-sleeved gown (the bunched tail is visible on the left; apron, shoes; carrying a basket.
(5) ‘Farmer’s wife’ Elderly woman with Welsh hat, goffered cap with broad ribbon tie; cloak, apron, carrying an umbrella.
note: It is very unusual for a small girl like the one on the left to be shown wearing a Welsh hat.
Note: No small Newman’s prints have no. 1 in their title but this is the first in a booklet of Newman’s small Welsh costume prints (on which part of the title and publisher’s details are missing). (NLW PE3939, Welsh costumes box 4 no. 98). The others in the volume are numbered 2-12 but other copies show that it is the only one of the set with ‘Sold by D. Ll. Lewis, Rhyl’ printed on the image.
This print was copied in pencil by Hannah Bowman in 1853. (NMW, St Fagans, 66.262/1)
Medium: steel engraving
Size: 6.4 x 9.1 cms
Artist: Anon
Engraver: Newman & Co.
Printer: Anon
Publisher: Anon
Sold by: D. Ll. Lewis, Rhyl
Date: 1850 (about)

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