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This card was one of a collectable series produced by Brooke Bond (PG Tips) tea, British Costumes series, no 29 (of 50). The text was written by Madeleine Ginsburg of the V&A museum:
'WELSH COUNTRY DRESS About 1830. This Welsh girl from a painting of about 1830 shows how fashions lag in remote places. She wears a gown of 18th century cut over a stiff corset a printed neckerchief and a petticoat protected by a check apron. Her dress is probably made from Welsh woollen material, her mittens and stockings being knitted. Some trace her high crowned hat back to I7th century fashions. Many wore a red caped cloak no different from that worn by English countrywomen in the 18th and 19th century. This and the hat are the two essentials of Welsh national dress as we know it today.'
Date: 1967
size: 68 x 36 cms.
The illustration was based on Cambrian Costumes no. 11 (1834)
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